Me and my sewing

If you know me on Facebook, you'll have seen I've been doing quite a bit of sewing since we've arrived here. I wonder if there are some people who might be thinking "But we didn't send Prue to Germany just to sit at home and sew." True, you didn't. It certainly isn't all I'm doing, but it is one thing worth sticking photos on Facebook for. I could, of course, take before and after photos of my cleaning - see my bright sparkling sink, look how clean this shirt came out, isn't this floor swept beautifully - or photos of my grocery shopping etc., but that would make for extremely boring reading!

There are good reasons for my sewing. God made me a creative person, so one way I glorify him is to use my creative gifts. To stifle those would be like cutting my arms off. Sewing is one of those ruminative activities that allows you to process thoughts on life in general as you stitch. This is good for my mental health. Being the one at home, caring for the family as they adjust to life in a new country, I do need time to think about how best to help everyone settle in. It also gives me time to sit and listen to sermons, which I'm really enjoying, and thankful for the solid biblical teaching available via the internet.

So far I've made a wallhanging to make this house seem more like home, and I've made a doll for a child's birthday present because there aren't many toy shop options in Kandern - there's a newsagent which has some toys, plus another store which is a hardware/kitchenware/toy store all rolled into one, with some other random things thrown in as well! Plus, who doesn't like a handmade gift, made with love! And in the process of getting supplies for these sewing projects, I have befriended the owner of the upholstery fabric shop here in town. She's a local who speaks excellent English. And that is one of the reasons I am here - to get to know local Germans, and to introduce them to Christ. She's even suggested I can come and have some German conversation with her sometimes, to practise.

So I hope you'll allow me to spend some time sewing in my life here in Kandern!

1 comment:

  1. Ah - this post kind of answered my question on the other post (which tho' was posted after this one I read first) :) I love seeing your sewing projects, they're inspiring. I can sew, but I'm not very crafty...still I've always been interested in trying my hand at something like making a doll. If I ever find myself in a season where I have the time to try this out a bit more, I'll know who to ask for tips ;)
